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“Expand Your Horizons , make global connections at the Global Tech Summit”

The Global Tech Summit in China is a major event that brings together the best minds in engineering and technology from around the world. Scheduled to take place on August 2023, this summit will showcase the latest innovations and advancements in engineering with keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and exhibitions.
This summit is expected to feature some of the most renowned experts in different areas of engineering such as robotics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, nanotechnology and more. Attendees can look forward to gaining insights into new trends and technologies as well as networking opportunities with industry professionals from all over the globe.

Are you an engineer looking to expand your skills and network? Then the Global Tech Summit in August 2023 in China is the perfect opportunity for you. This conference will bring together some of the top engineers from around the world, allowing you to learn from and collaborate with the best in your field.
The Global Tech Summit will provide a wide range of presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities that will help engineers stay on top of the latest developments in engineering technology. You'll have a chance to learn from industry leaders, develop new skills and ideas, and make connections with other professionals in your field. With over 1000 attendees expected at this event, it promises to be an amazing experience for all involved.

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