Artificial Intelligence

Technology is Best When It Meet a Challenge

Artificial Intelligence

Submit Your Research Proposals

Artificial intelligence (AI), a branch of computer science, focuses on building intelligent machines that can think and act like people. It is an interdisciplinary science that combines several other disciplines, such as mathematics, computer science, engineering, and other languages. Even though artificial intelligence (AI) research has been around since the 1950s, it has only lately been more well-known as a result of technological advancements like the development of potent computers and the availability of enormous amounts of data.

AI aims to develop computers that can learn and think like people. The development of machine learning algorithms has made significant progress in this direction recently. These algorithms "learn" how to solve issues and make decisions by using data. In the fields of healthcare, education, and finance, AI has a wide range of potential uses. AI has the potential to diagnose illness, provide individualised care, and even spot fraud. By offering thorough insights into client preferences and behaviours, it can also be used to increase business efficiency. AI may also be used to automate a variety of repetitive chores, freeing up time for individuals to engage in more creative activities.

The goal of AI is to create machines that can learn and reason just like people. Machine learning algorithm development has recently made major strides in this direction. By analysing data, these algorithms "learn" how to resolve problems and reach choices. AI offers a wide range of possible applications in the domains of healthcare, education, and finance. AI has the potential to detect fraud as well as identify illnesses and offer individualised care. It can also be utilised to boost business efficiency by providing comprehensive insights into customer preferences and behaviours. AI can also be used to automate a number of tedious tasks, giving up time for people to do more imaginative things.

Speaker Guidelines

Organize Your Research

  1. State the hypothesis and purpose of your research.
  2. Describe your methods of investigation.
  3. Include data collected and what was learned.
  4. Give conclusions based on the collected data.
  5. Emphasize the significance and highlights of the research.

Give a Shape to Your Presentation

  1. Prepare notes that highlight the salient points of your talk.
  2. Practice the delivery of your talk, along with your slide sequence. Be sure your talk fits the time allotted.
  3. Use simple sentences. Avoid jargon, highly specialized vocabulary, and unfamiliar abbreviations.
  4. Think about questions you might be asked, and prepare your answers.
  5. Audio-visuals should amplify your talk, not duplicate it.
  6. Do not include music or film clips or other copyrighted content with your presentation unless it is directly relevant to your research. If you must include music, film clips, or similar content, please ensure that it is either open source or content for which you have copyright permissions to use. Optimally display your work—don't use words if a picture conveys it more clearly (graphs, tables, charts, etc.).
  7. Use line graphs to show trends; bar graphs to compare magnitudes; pie graphs to demonstrate relative portions of a whole.
  8. Make sure your supporting audio-visuals are concise, uncluttered, and easily read from a distance. We recommend that you use a font of at least eighteen points or larger. This is especially important in presentations to a virtual audience because screen sizes vary by user.
  9. Request special AV equipment early or it may not be available.
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